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** ייַנטיילן דעם בלאָג **

אַלגעמיינע אינפארמאציע


שאַפונג: 15/05/2012 02:33
דערהייַנטיקן: 15/05/2012 02:53
ארטיקלען 1
וויסיץ פון דער וואָך 743
גאַנץ וויזיץ 345

homecomingdresses110 :: homecomingdresses110

martin007 האט קיין אנדערע בלאָג!

United States - martin007
שטעלע: 10575/56779 מיטגלידער

די זאכן זענען אויסגעשטעלט פון אָולדאַסט צו רובֿ פריש!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: outstanding - 15/05/2012 02:53

Captains to us a camp for several long examination, but they are not so good. Are stammer out not complete. I was the only one who is very good for the training methods demonstrates again. Captains of the army was immediately smiled. The head of the side to say 'the long is good! I thought you group's grassroots cadres, don't happen, and, it would seem, have good ah! Colonel just embarrassed smile 'yes, there are still outstanding. '" HuJiang said so much, he paused and took a drink of water. "The company commander! Is this you give." ZhuXiangJun smile looking at the company commander. "No--no! If only is so, I would not give, the key is below the captains of the concerned about me." HuJiang also seems to in the suspense, or like embarrassed to say anything. "The company commander! How do you care about the captains of the......." ZhuXiangJun some curious. "This! That was the captains see me for training methods presentation of the very good at, and came to kindly and I shake hands. Then ask my way 'narrow lane! When a few years long. I embarrassed red face the word' when the seven years' platoon. Captains will hear a 'I said you couldn't help but smile of training methods so skilled, it seems that you have years of training is! 'I was very ashamed and feel that skilled for training methods is white demonstrates. Because a when the lieutenant's seven years' veteran 'presentation of the skilled some is not normal.   google homecomingdressesunder110 baidu thebestdresses110 welcome to